Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Working with the Goddess

The Moon: Indicates the goddess. Following your intuition and reveling in the mystery of femininity. The Moon is the pagan equivalent of the Goddess aspect. I’ve been working with a goddess lately (Isis) and these cards are showing that.

Three of Pentacles: The stars also indicate the feminine. I am the goblin practicing drawing the symbols that will bring me closer and closer to my relationship with the Goddess.

Ace of Wands: I am a strong earth sign. Therefore, what more would you expect than a green phoenix? (It’s actually a Simurgh.) But this card indicates me getting ready to start on my new spiritual path!

What an interesting reading!!!! I’m always amazed at what cards come up, when I do readings for myself.


mxtodis123 said...

So you have been working with Isis?
Have you thought of joining the Fellowship of Isis? Lots of great info to be found there.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

My father used read Tarot up until 35 years ago. I've read them for myself, but I tend to feel ill at ease when I do that.

Thanks for the kind words on my blog yesterday.

SpiritPhoenix said...

Mary - No I haven't heard of them. I'll check the group out. Thanks for the tip!!!

PJ - Sometimes things just have too many memories attached to them. Maybe an oracle deck might give you the divination you want, but won't be as difficult. Your welcome. Your post was really well written and moving!