Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Joys of Laryngitis

Yes, my friends. I have developed laryngitis from this nasty fucking cold. The joys are numerous. To name a few:

* My 2 year old daughter doesn't acknowledge my flailing arms when I'm trying to get her attention. I've reverted to clapping, stomping and slapping walls like a crazy person. And then the only one who comes running, is my husband, who thinks I've had some odd accident.

* Random people whisper back to me. Thinking it's a conspiratorial game of sorts.

* My Mother hangs up on me, thinking my voice issue is due to bad reception. I have to call her back and say, "My voice sucks, don't hang up." really fast, hoping she'll hear and understand me.

* When going to order lunch yesterday, I think. Oh, crap. How can I get food? I have to pathetically ask a (very sweet) co-worker to order my lunch for me.


Luna said...

I hope you feel better soon :( being sick sucks major ass....

Anonymous said...

I started losing my voice mid-December. The Husband was joking (I think he was serious, but the joking this was a cover) that everyone should keep hoping that I lose it for a couple of weeks so they would all be spared.


Lis said...

I dunno about you, but with a hubby and a kiddo around I bet you don't get that much quiet. Why not enjoy the fact that you need to keep relatively silent?
Okay, I know it's frustrating, so nevermind!

Dawn Marie Howard said...

You won a giveaway!

sorry your still sick hon.

Unknown said...

But their are such plus sides to each of these!
1. Perfect opportunity to teach your daughter sign language.
2. It is a conspiracy. And right when those people least expect it the government will leap out at them from behind a corner.
3. You can give me your laryngitis. Seriously. I love my mom but I pray for the day that she will hang up on me.
4. Opportunity to make new friends at work, and go on lunch outings when you get your voice back. :) (Didn't think I'd actually come up with a viable positive thing, did you? :P)

Feel better!

Laryngitis said...

Just stand still and less narration, even whispering, laryngitis will pass for 2-3 days. Also, drink plenty of fluids, throat should not be dry. Good luck.
