Friday, October 2, 2009

All about Lavender

The other day my mom bought me some Lavender dryer sachets from Trader Joe's. I never thought to put lavender in the dryer before. But man oh man does it make laundry a little easier to take.

Though I think next time, I'd just make my own. Take a muslin or organza bag, fill with lavender, knot tightly and voila! Your own lavender dryer sachet and it's refillable, cost effective and easy to do!

Speaking of lavender. This summer I found a site that talked about Lavender Wands

(These aren't my wands, but they look really similar to mine.)

So I ordered some lavender to be shipped. Of course after I made these, my mom found fresh lavender at Trader Joe's. Hmmm. It's starting to seem as though Mom is spending way to much time there. Oh well, saves me from having to look all over the store. ;) Anyway, they're really easy to do, make your house smell wonderful and if you keep a towel over your lap or work over a desk, you can save a bunch of buds and dry them out. So you get a wand, and plenty of lavender buds for your dryer sachets! Perfect!

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